Benefits & Concepts of Walking
Walking exercise has the science of complete yoga for external organs, internal organs and rejenuvates all the function systems of body. The scientific and logical concept can be understood stepwise as follows
Complete Exercise to Full Body and external organs:
All the body parts including five senses Eyes, breathing, hearing, smell, touch, two legs, two hands, body, stomach, hips, and head are in action and so stimulated
Exercise to internal organs:
Since all body parts are in full swing action, they require blood and oxygen and hence the lungs and heart also function to its full capacity. Also the muscles of lungs and hearts could expand and contract completely in the walking posture of human. Leg has all the acupressure points.
Enhancing brain development.
Right brain looks after the logical thinking’s, while the left brain deals with emotions. Only when there is a perfect balance between two brains, all the process of body can function properly.
Walking requires the signals of the eyes, ears, and equilibrium between right side body parts and left side body parts. Walking (Especially Barefoot walking) would stimulate all the acupressure points meant for the stimulation, and harmonious functioning of all internal glands and parts of the body.
Walking thus stimulates the whole of nervous system from head to toe on both left, right, front and back sides and it exercises, stimulates Right brain and left brain equally thereby aiding its development equally
Note: Normally Brisk straight and steady walk without much stress or haste is required to be practiced for getting the above benefits while a deformed walk will only help to burn calories.